The 11th Pre-Con Meeting: 1.Effects of “Taqwa” or Piety on Management 2.How the Subconscious Affects Religiosity?
01 February 2022

The 11th Pre-Con Meeting was held on Monday, January 31, 2022. In this meeting Mr. Syed Imon Rizvi (M.A in Islamic Studies & Masters in Business Administration(MBA)) and Mr. Morteza Motahari Farimani (M.A in Kalam and Islamic Philosophy) lectured respectively under the titles: “Effects of “Taqwa” or Piety on Management; Introducing 1 to 1 Management Theory” and “How the Subconscious Affects Religiosity?”.

For those interested, the complete video of the meeting is uploaded here:


Moreover, you can read the abstracts of the lectures below:


Effects of “Taqwa” or Piety on Management; Introducing 1 to 1 Management Theory

The propagated idea of evolution or other such bogus ideas and theories aiming towards perfection or becoming better, is a proof itself that first of all mankind doesn’t have all the answers particularly if they are following their own desires to implement something which is not compatible with their own existence, instincts and nature and secondly they are facing, conflicts, human relationship dilemmas, greed, injustice and so many other problems using their own theories which are based on either on their desires or ignorance.

Most of the management theories are not about understanding the human existence period, especially the old ones. The new ones indicate that they have come to understand that there are other phenomena which are extremely crucial to understand if we really want to succeed not only in the field of management but in any domain for that matter.

The new sciences and progress have also confirmed that something complex is going on in this universe which needs to be known and understood for human perfection and actualization of its talents.

Interestingly the Quranic verse number thirteen from Chapter Hujurat mentions “O mankind!...Indeed the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most God-wary among you. Indeed, Allah is all-knowing, all-aware.” and makes it clear that God-wariness is the true standard for perfection. So why not use the idea of God-wariness in the domain of management as a main source of success and perfection.

In fact, God-wariness is a continuous state of God’s remembrance which affects all dimensions of human behavior and character. Thus we would explore the Qur’anic verses that mention the idea of God-wariness clearly and that would lead us to new opportunities and solutions.

How the Subconscious Affects Religiosity?

Most of us have probably experienced that children are not always aware of their real needs. For instance, a child may cry for a long time and tell his mother he wants a toy, but in fact, he is just hungry. We usually think that as we age, our self-awareness grows too. But that is not true. Our ignorance never disappears but becomes complicated.

In the first view, one might think that our subconscious works as a storehouse for our memories and emotions. The truth is that the subconscious works based on a program and to acquire a clear purpose, mental cohesion.

Mental cohesion is the harmony between actions, emotions, and beliefs. The subconscious strives to gain this cohesion and protect it in several ways. For instance, when someone hears an argument against his lifestyle, the coordination between beliefs and actions becomes threatened. What the subconscious does here is to delete the argument from our memory faster than it naturally would, so that our mental cohesion remains intact.

In this lecture, the lecturer tries to point out some examples of how the subconscious' attempts to maintain mental cohesion can affect religiosity. For example, what happens in the subconscious when people abandon religious practices? Or on the other hand, how the subconscious functions in developing religious extremism?